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Forpeka, For Parkour cause My Way is Parkour. Against Competition . 4PK For Parkour cause My Art is Parkour

Saturday, May 30, 2009


"3RUN is about pushing yourself to a higher level in every plane and having fun getting there. It is about discovering who you are and who you wil be."

3RUN is the art of freedom, open to everyone who is like-minded in searching to push their physical, philosophical, and spiritual boundaries in Parkour, Freerunning, Stunts and Acrobatics. It is also a community designed so that those same people can meet, share and learn.
3RUN has brought together a group of talented, enthusiastic and dedicated individuals based around one ideal: The Freedom of Movement.

At the core of the 3RUN philosophy are three simple beliefs. First, that the human body was designed to move, and that to refuse to do so is to abandon a very important part of what makes one human. Second, that human beings should try for perfection even in the

will never achieve it, and that to settle for any particular level of excellence is to abandon the potential for even more. Third, that no human being can live a meaningful life alone, and that through friendship and communication, every person can benefit from the successes of others.

We all have our own paths to follow, and 3RUN is the ideal through which we hope to combine them all into something much greater than what you would get if you simply put each path side by side. 3RUN’s founders originally took inspiration from the philosophies of Parkour and the Chinese martial arts, but since then they have broadened their own horizons in anything that promises to enrich the total and free their minds, through the arts of Parkour, Freerunning, Stunts and Acrobatics.

3RUN is about pushing yourself to a higher level in every plane and having fun getting there. It is about discovering who you are and who you will be, about finding and overcoming your own weaknesses and fears

one at a time. It is about being an individual in a society of individuals, about respect and enthusiasm and progress. It is about life, as the world that surrounds you at this very moment, a world in which we believe anything is possible to those who are willing to try.

3Run lebih mengarah ke FreeRun, dikarenakan banyaknya video-video mereka yang menampilkan gerakan-gerakan diluar parkour.
Di team ini saya menyukai sosok Chase Armitage.

Ambil sisi Positif, buang jauh hal yang negatif, semoga menginspirasi.
video 3Run di youtube

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